BCC Ride 2011
The Bythams with Careby and Creeton Sponsored Ride took place on Monday 2 May 2011 in glorious sunshine, no rain – hardly a cloud in the sky, but with a wind which whipped across your face and made what could have been a warm day rather chilly.
Three routes of 8, 12 and 15 mile lengths were available to chose from with refreshment stops for both horse and rider at the mid-way point and a wider assortment of food available at the co-located start and finish.
This year, as well as raising funds towards the maintenance of the churches in Careby, Creeton, Castle Bytham and Little Bytham, the event also raised funds for a chosen ‘external’ charity – Kesteven Rideability who had a promotional stand at the event alongside Three Counties Dog Rescue.
Over ??? riders participated in the event and the organisers hope to have raised over £??? to be distributed between the five charities.
The Routes
The following map shows the 8, 12 and 15 mile routes which were marked across the Grimsthorpe Estate. Even if you did not attend you can ‘fly the routes’ by selecting the ‘earth’ option and steering the cursor along the routes – all good fun 🙂
[iframe: src=”http://maps.google.co.uk/maps/ms?hl=en&ie=UTF8&msa=0&msid=202386809446463035794.0004a24c185ad0f2ccd6b&ll=52.773693,-0.470524&spn=0.062309,0.073128&z=13&output=embed” width=”100%” height=”600″ scrolling=”no” frameborder=”0″]
The organisers of the event would like to thank the following for their help with this years event …
Grimsthorpe & Drummond Castle Trust Limited – for providing the wonderful setting for the ride.
The Ultimate Travel Company – for their continued generosity with the first prize for the raffle.
NFU – for their sponsorship assistance with insurance for the event.
Committee, Marshalls and Helpers – who give their time and assistance free to make this event run.
Added : 02/05/11 : MG
Last Updated : 30/08/15 : MG