Category: Witham on the Hill

Person airlifted to hospital after serious two-car crash near Grantham

Three people have been rushed to hospital following a two-car crash near Grantham.

One patient was flown to Peterborough by air ambulance and two others were taken to Queen’s Medical Centre in Nottingham by land ambulance yesterday, Friday, June 22.

Read more from the Lincolnshire Live website.

Changes to waste collections in South Kesteven over Christmas period

SKDC logoWaste collections will take place a day later over the festive period in South Kesteven.

This means there will be no bin collections on Boxing Day or Monday, January 2 and all collections will be 24 hours later than normal each day during the two weeks.

Read more from the Stamford Mercury website.

Temporary road closure: Witham On The Hill

Witham on the Hill village signReason for closure: Essential maintenance works by Anglian Water/Clancy Docwra

Location: Village Street (In vicinity of ‘Stonecot’)

Period of closure: 31/03/2016 to 02/04/2016
(Closures to be implemented as & when required during this period, signage detailing accurate dates & times will be displayed on site in advance)

Alternative route: Via A6121 & B1176

For more road closures in the area check out

Witham on the Hill getting Superfast broadband soon!

Witham on the Hill should be getting getting Superfast broadband soon… Cabinet 1 is stood in position with power, just needs copper and fibre feeding to it. Cabinet 2 still needs standing but this is being chased.

Information from