Category: Uncategorized

Heating Oil

Those with oil-fired boilers will know how much more expensive oil has become over the last few years.  It may be possible, however, to save a little by putting in combined orders for five or six different customers within these villages.  The saving could be in the order of 5p per litre or £50 per 1000 litres.

Nino D’Anna of Careby has been discussing the problem with one of the distribution companies and believes that the scheme will help all, including those who only need 500 litres. It may also be possible to predetermine the delivery date.

If you are interested either phone Nino on 01780 410725 or email him at


Concessionary Bus Pass Scheme Changes

From the Glenside News (February 2011) …

Central Government has decided that from 1st April 2011 responsibility for bus passes will transfer from the District Council to the County Council.

So what does this mean?

There will be no changes to the current system before March 2011.  Current bus passes will still remain valid until their expiry date. Financial constraints will mean some discretionary elements such as taxi-tokens and Rail Card contributions will cease.

The way you apply fo a new bus pass will be different. From April you must apply by post, or alternatively apply in person at City Hall in Lincoln (this applies for all district areas). The option for making applications and renewals on-line is also being developed. These options will give you a choice in how you obtain your pass but please do not apply any earlier than 21 days in advance of the due date.

Application forms and an information leaflet about the Scheme will be available from libraries, local District Council Offices, other key access centres and on-line.

For further information visit …
or alternatively contact …
Lincolnshire County Council
Accessibility and Policy Unit
City Hall
Orchard Street

For Sale : Games Console

Sega Master System – 8 bit, sleek design.  Comes complete with two controller pads, TV/console switch and also 7 games to get you started! Titles are World Grand Prix, Bart Simpson vs The Space Mutants with manual, Sonic the Hedgehog 2, Pacmania (puzzle game) and Lemmings with manual.  There are two games built into the system – Hang On and Safari Hunt.

All for £45.  Call 01780 410684

Hunter Trails Chairman Resigns

The present Chairman, Mr Bob Creasey, has let it be known that he wishes to stand down as Chairman of the Hunter Trials Committee, and his successor will be elected at the AGM.  Mr Creasey has nominated the vice-chairman, Mr David Yiend.  The other members of the committee have agreed to stand for a further year.  Any other nominations for either chairman or committee members should be given to the secretary, Mrs Caroline Lowes 01778 590461 by 12 June, prior to the AGM on 15 June 1995.