Category: Church

Celestial Candles & Ceilidh

This Saturday (26 March 2011) Bythams Music‘s first event for 2011 takes place.  At 6.30pm in Little Bytham Church there will be a concert of sacred music with a Celtic flavour with the Children’s Choir of St Wulfram’s in Grantham led by Dr Tim Williams. Entry to this event is free of charge but donations to the Children’s Choir and Little Bytham Church are welcomed! Afterwards, at 8.30pm, there will be a Ceilidh Dance in Little Bytham Village Hall with the brilliant Castle Band. Drinks, refreshments and food will be available, entry to the Ceilidh being £3 per person.

Senior Citizens Christmas Lunch Jumble Sale

Why not go along to the Jumble Sale in aid of the Senior Citizens Christmas Lunch
Its taking place in Castle Bytham Village Hall on Saturday 19 March 2011 commencing at 1.30pm. As well as the sale of jumble there will also be refreshments, a raffle and so many, many bargains.
Donations of jumble is also welcome – but not electrical or too large items.
If you have something to donate then the village hall will be open on Friday 18th for any jumble to be left. Of course donations of Raffle Prizes are also welcomed.
Contact Ann Burrows on 410537 for more information

Carols by Candlelight

From David Smith, Churchwarden / Treasurer at St James’ Church in Castle Bytham …

On behalf of St James’ Church a big thank you to Sue Blunt for organising the Carol Singing, to all who joined her despite the bitterly cold weather, to Charlotte and Eamonn at the Castle who ensured that everyone set out in good spirits and to all who gave so generously. Together you raised a whopping £339.08 for Church Funds.

We are very grateful for your continued support, particularly during these times of so much uncertainty, which helps us maintain St James’ Church for the benefit of the whole community.