Author: Mark

Coffee Mornings in Little Bytham

From Tuesday 1 November 2011 Coffee Mornings will commence again in Little Bytham Village Hall.  The Mornings will take place on the first and third Tuesday of each month between 10am and 12noon.   Complimentary refreshments will be available on Tuesday 1st and it will be a good opportunity to see the renovations that have taken place over the last few months.

Jumble Sale

There will be a Jumble Sale in Castle Bytham Village Hall on Saturday 17 September from 1.30pm. As well as the sale there will also be refreshments available and a raffle.

If you are able to donate jumble, such as clothes and bric-a-brac but no large items or electrical appliances, then the hall will be open for it to be ‘dropped-off’ between 7.00pm and 9.00pm on Friday 16 September.

For further information please call 01780 410537.

Gardening Courses 2011/12

Pete and Jackie Murray will be delivering their popular Gardening Courses locally again  commencing in September 2011.

The courses take place in the potting shed at Rasell’s Nursery on Station Road in Little Bytham and this year include courses on …

Garden Planning
Grow your own Dye Plants – aimed a textilers
Pruning Roses
Pruning and Maintaining Apple and Pear Trees
Making Christmas Decorations using Garden Foliage
Plants in Containers

For further information, pick up a leaflet at the nursery or visit

Lincolnshire Heritage Open Days 2011

Two of this years Lincolnshire Heritage Open Days take place in theBythams area on Saturday 10 September.  The Society for Lincolnshire History and Archaeology are organising a walk over the surviving earthworks of the Medieval castle in Castle Bytham.  45 minute walks will start from the entrance next to Castle Farm SK9800 1840 at 11.00am and 12noon.  To book onto the walk contact Ken Hollamby 01522 526731.

The second Open Day is a 2.5 mile walk along part of the disused railway line which linked Bourne to Saxby taking in both the Toft Tunnel and the Lound Viaduct – two major engineering features of the line.  The event starts at 1.30pm on Saturday 10 September and, again, the event is organised by the Society for Lincolnshire History and Archaeology and to book onto the walk you should contact Heritage Lincolnshire 01529 461499.

For further details of all of the Heritage Lincolnshire Open Days in 2011 visit Heritage Lincolnshire or for the full national programme visit Heritage Open Days.  If you miss this years then next years weekend is planned for 6 to 9 September 2012.