Author: Mark

Ferral and the Tom Cats at the Willoughby Arms

Sharon and Tom have announced that Ferral and the Tom Cats will be playing at the Willoughby Arms in Little Bytham on Friday 27 January 2012.   If you’ve not seen them play live in the village before then start 2012 as you mean to go on … support the village pub and those in the community that keep both the pub and the village alive.

Little Bytham Christmas Post 2011

This year local cubs and scouts, from the 1st Corby Glen Scout Group, will be running a Christmas Postal Service in Little Bytham.  The post box is situated in The No. 10 Store – thanks to Meg and Tom! .  For a donation the cards will be delivered anywhere in the village. 50% of profits will go to the Scout Group funds (who are currently fund-raising for a trailer for our camping gear) and the other 50% will go to the BBC Children in Need appeal.

For further information please contact Jane Turner on 411250


Willoughby Arms Abbeydale Beer Festival

The Willoughby Arms are holding an Abbeydale Beer Festival from Wednesday 16 December 2011.  The Abbeydale Brewery, based in Sheffield, regularly supplies the pub with real ales including the ever popular Absolution. From 16 December there will be an Abbeydale Real Ale on each of the six hand pumps.  Got to be worth a visit!

Come Carolling with Us

The Castle Bytham Carollers will be embarking on their annual tour of the village on Monday, December 12th, to raise much-needed funds for St James’ Church and in particular help towards the cost of repairing the roof.

The lantern-lit procession will be joined by Santa, and we’re hoping to top last year’s effort when an amazing £330 was collected from exceedingly generous villagers.

We want to make this a great family occasion, so please join us for a sing-song and bring your young ones with you. Carol sheets are provided and don’t worry if you wouldn’t pass the auditions for The X Factor – everyone is welcome. Feel free to bring your own lantern, or perhaps even a musical instrument.

To get the evening off to a good start, Charlotte and Eamonn at The Castle are kindly providing sherry and mince pies at 6pm for all those taking part.

We aim to get round as much of the village as we can in a couple of hours, and this year we are intending to cover the Holywell Road/Regal Gardens/Bytham Heights/Clipsham Road area, so keep an ear out for us, or why not come and join us.

If you’d like more details you can ring Sue Blunt on 01780 411027 or email: