Author: Mark

Willoughby Pub Quiz : Tuesday 3 April 2012

Quite a cold evening but it was quiz night at the Willoughby Arms, the pub clock was ticking, the minutes passing by, was anyone going to turn up? With it being the run up to Easter some were away.

We knew that Mark had said he was coming but it was balloon MOT day, would he make it back in time?

Two of the regulars “Buffer Stops” were dining, then the door opened and another team arrived, followed by another.  By the time everyone had arrived we had five teams including one made up of residents who called themselves Norfolk ‘n’ Good, they had decided to stay and join in the quiz so that one of them could sample all of the real ales on offer and at the end of the night, he was still standing!

Two birthdays this week, Ian Warrington from Singe and Basket on the 4th and Sheila Stait from United Staits on the 5th, I know how old Ian was going  to be but a lady never gives her age away. An absolutely  fantastic birthday cake for Sheila, so realistic it would be a shame to cut it. Top Cat and Benny the Ball complete with trash can and fish bones (made by Zoe Stait).

Lots of the teams change their team names depending on what’s been happening in the news but the United Staits  have always kept the same name and they’ve been enjoying the quiz for years.

The music round with 30 points on offer this month, caused the usual moans and groans with two songs played simultaneously. This round gave a big boost to one of our teams with distant memories of Bananarama, The Osmonds and Slade posters on the bedroom wall. The picture round was television duos Rosemary and Thyme, Regan and Carter, Mulder and Scully not forgetting Mike and Bernie Winters.

A great evening with the final scores in joint fourth place United Staits and Norfolk ‘n’ Good both with 119 points, third place Universally Challenged with 121 points, second place Buffer Stops with 128 points but this month’s winners complete with the birthday boy – Singe and Basket with 152 points.

Next quiz Tuesday 1st May (last one of the season, hope you can make it)

Willoughby Arms Pub Quiz

The  next Quiz at the Willoughby Arms will take place on Tuesday 3 April 2012.  The action starts at 8.00pm and is open to teams of up to 6 people with an entry fee of £1 per person.  Most teams are less than six, so if you are a 3 or a 4 then don’t be put off!  Scratch teams are often generated on the night so, even if you are on your own, everyone can take part.

Holywell Pond Woman and Grandson Named

Its being reported in the press that neighbours and friends in Castle Bytham have named the woman, that died tragically at the pond in Holywell on Thursday evening, as Dawn Mullany.  Her grandson Laurie Mullany-Mills, from Ketton who was staying with her at the time, also died.

Read more on the BBC News website.

Tragic Accident at Holywell Pond

Both the local and national press are reporting the tragic death, at the pond in Holywell, of a woman in her 70’s, from Castle Bytham, and her 6 year old grandson, who had been visiting her.

Police were called to the area after the woman’s daughter reported them missing yesterday evening at around 9.20pm. Following a search the woman’s car was found in Holywell and, at around 10.45pm, the body of the woman was found floating in the pond.

A subsequent search, which involved the Fire and Rescue service and RAF search and rescue helicopters (whose presence was apparent in the area during the early hours of the morning) found the submerged body of her grandson at around 4.00am today (Friday 17 February).

Read more in the Stamford Mercury, and on the BBC News website.





It’s all Jack’s at the Willoughby Arms Pub Quiz

From Chris Holmes …

It was a bitterly cold evening – the sort where you really want to stay home by the fire, but it was quiz night at the Willoughby was anyone going to turn up? Oh yes! We had six teams including a new one Will Gillman came along with Andrew Woodward to be joined a bit later by a third team member.

Some different rounds to normal, Cockney Rhyming Slang, Valentines and Farming! The picture round went down very well ‘Famous Jacks’ we had a mixture from Jack Russell (yes the dog), Jack Sparrow and Captain Jack Harkness to Jack Palance, Jack Nicholson and Jack Daniels.

The music round had the usual groans, as it’s February a Valentine theme, all top ten hits with two from the 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s and 00s which more or less catered for every age group.

At the end of the evening the scores were very close indeed and we had a draw for first place with between Pork Scratchings (last month’s winners) and United Staits both with 143 points. Winners decided with a cut of the cards, ace low, king high. The United Staits won with a Jack!