John (Jack) Hand

Died 7 January 2011, Funeral 18 January 2011

Jack “used to cycle round the village and did lots of jobs for people”. Everyone remembers him as a very helpful person, always willing to do what he could. A good carpenter and creative artist, gardener, and having begun his life at Launde Abbey Farm, Jack worked in a variety of jobs, both paid and voluntary. During the Second World War he was a stoker on trains in Palestine and always had affection for the railways. He was the much loved husband of Eileen and father of Maggie and Jenetta, for whom he made wonderful toys. He was laid to rest in Little Bytham Churchyard, which he had helped to tend for many years. A quiet, but important member of the village, whose readiness to help made a real difference to the community.

By Rev’d Sue Evans

Added : 19/02/11 : MG

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