George William Henry Ellington
Died 22 January 2011, aged 97 years. Funeral Tuesday 8 February 2011 at 1pm at St James Church, Castle Bytham followed by interment.
George wrote his own account of his life in readiness for his funeral, and apart from references to his beloved family, most of it was an account of the work he had done. He had worked very hard and willingly throughout his long life – just changing jobs at retirement! He had also played in a dance band in his spare time! George just quietly adapted to new beginnings when jobs came to an end due to the war, or to businesses closing down. Having finally retired from his retirement job of gardening, due to his dear wife`s illness, his work was then to care for her patiently and lovingly as long as she lived. He coped bravely with his own advancing years, with the support of Rodney, Bridget and their families, still driving his car till he was 93. A real Bythams man – born in Little Bytham, living later in Castle Bytham, working for many local firms. His life spanned many changes in the life of our communities.
By Rev’d Sue Evans
Added : 19/02/11 : MG
Last Updated : 03/03/11 : MG