Angela Gillian Anne Foster
Died 18 January 2011, Funeral 3 February 2011
A much loved Castle Bytham resident, Angela is remembered as a very brave woman and a talented and wise person, generous and caring. Born Angela Perkins, she grew up in the Dick Turpin Hotel in Essex, learning ballet as a girl, enjoying sport and doing various jobs, including working for Liberties in London. With her two daughters, Sarah and Debbie, she came to Castle Bytham, where she married Alan and spent twenty happy years until becoming ill with Lymphoma just before Christmas. She vowed that she would fight the illness and never let it daunt her spirit. Till the very end of her life she was more concerned for the welfare of others than for herself. She had always been far more interested in people than in material things. She died suddenly and tragically of an infection. At her funeral in the Grantham Crematorium there was hardly room to stand.
By Rev’d Sue Evans
Added : 19/02/11 : MG