Rectors Newsletter : March 2011

God`s Springtime

Dear Everyone,

All around us, things coming back to life! And in the Church, too, it`s about to get busy. Lent, which begins on Ash Wednesday, is known as “God`s Springtime,” a time for spiritual growth and development, in tune with the activity of nature, as we move towards Easter.

The first thing to notice will be the Deanery Evening Services, with their specially invited preachers speaking on a theme  – see list below. Our contribution to this will be a beautiful atmospheric candlelit service at Creeton, with the chants of the Taizé Community and a Franciscan nun to lead a meditation. Come early to get a seat! The same Sister will also be preaching at Careby  at 9 in the morning and be visiting the Sunday School in Little Bytham Village Hall at 11. (March 20th)

On Wednesdays during Lent, we will be meeting in different houses in the four villages to look at DVDs on a variety of spiritual issues and discuss them. For details see notice boards in church.

Then on Saturday the 26th we have an exciting new venture!  Bythams Music is facilitating a concert in Little Bytham Church at 6 p.m. Called “Celestial Candles”, this event is an evening of spiritual music with a Celtic flavour (linked to the fact that March begins with St. David`s Day.) A selection of local musicians (including the parish priest!) will perform and there will be a chance for the audience to sing too. The special guests will be the Children`s Choir of St, Wulfram`s Church, Grantham, with their dynamic and very talented young organist and music director, Tim Williams. They will perform the first half of the programme. Tim got a First in Music at Cambridge and a PhD. He taught in the university before spending a year as Director of Music for the Iona Community in Scotland and then coming to work in Grantham at the Church and also as in local schools. His gift for enthusing and educating children and young people has led to a transformation in the Choir of St. Wulfram`s  – when he came, there were few children, now there are nearly 40! They are singing in York Minster during Half Term. If you want to know more, look at Tim`s Website, which you will find at .

Tim Williams & St Wulfram’s Church, Grantham

There is no charge for this concert, but we would be grateful for donations. We need to cover costs, which include refreshments and heating as well as transport for the Children`s Choir and we would like to be able to give a generous contribution to their New Robes Fund! We are hoping that, after the concert, there will be a Ceilidh in the Little Bytham Village Hall for those who wish to stay, and any others who would like to come just for the dance, and there will be a small entrance fee.

And now, as mentioned above :

Deanery Evening Services in March – on a theme “All things come from thee O Lord…”

13th March, 6 p.m. at Stoke Rochford  – “Home and family Life” with the Rev`d. Rosamund Seale, Rural Dean of Elloe.

20th March, 6 p.m. at Creeton – “Whose time is it anyway?” with Sr. Liz CSF

27th March, 6 p.m. at Swinstead –  “Stewardship of Health” with the Rev`d. Margaret Saunders, Hospital Chaplain at Lincoln and Grantham.

Lots to think about…and more to come in April. Happy Spring!

Every Blessing,  Sue.

Added : 19/02/11 : MG

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